Something Cool I Think You Would Enjoy Doing
Theresa Baird
Monday, October 9, 2023
Salmon Run on The Credit River
I always try to feature great articles showcasing some cool things that I think my clients and friends would like to do; unfortunately I don’t always get the chance to do it myself.
Well, I had a friend visit from South Carolina and she read our Tuesday newsletter and said she didn’t know Ontario had a Salmon run; and that it was so close on the Credit River. So we jumped in the car and ventured off to two beautiful parks that were highlighted in the article. Both of them are on the Credit River; the two parks are Mississauga Parks River Wood and Erindale Park. Our timing was perfect as a wonderful staff member from the Riverwood Conservancy was giving a full talk and tour describing the complete life cycle of the Salmon on the Credit River. We had a wonderful walk, a great tour and an experience I really hope you get the chance to experience.
I hope you enjoy the pictures I took of our day at the Credit River and that you get to take your own pictures when you check out the Salmon run. Please read our blog titled "Here's Where to Get Best Views of The Annual Salmon Run in Mississauga This Fall" to find out other locations to view the Salmon run. The salmon will be be running until the end of October.

Cover picture - The annual salmon run is currently underway in the Credit River. - City of Mississauga photo
Photos and blog by Theresa Baird